Thursday, 12 September 2013

way too honest for internet

I'm having kind of a break down, so, I'm sorry (no , I'm not. It's my blog, I can do what I want).

I can't understand why everyone thinks that I'm a 'positivity bomb'. Why everyone is asking for my advice? Asking what they should say/text to another person or how they should behave in different relationship situations. Of course, I say what I think they should do. But I bet, none of them actually thought if I have experienced something like what they are going through. Do they even know, that I have 0 experience in relationships WHATSOEVER? Now that I think about it, most people ask for advice just because they want to hear the words they already know, just from different people, right? And you know what? I'm sick of your problems. I'm sick of keeping everything inside of me. I'm sick of lying to myself that everything is over, when in reality, WHO THE HELL KNOWS. I'm sick of weight-loss questions, like, how did you do it? What is your secret?, when inside, I feel like I'm an absolute failure. I'm furious about people, that actually said to my face, that they were talking about me with other people and actually FEELING SORRY FOR ME, even though it was in a nice way. I'm sick of having melt downs in the middle of the night and then in the morning acting like I'm this happy person that wakes up every morning with a smile on their face. It's not me at all, you know. I'm exhausted.


  1. Nori dabar truputėlį nusišypsot? Taip? Gerai. Tik palauk.
    Aš vis vien tave visada prisiminsiu tave kaip pozityvų spindulėlį, nors mačiau tik vieną kartą gyvenime, nors ir nebendraujam constantly, bet jaučiasi, kad esi labai geras ir šiltas žmogus. Viena iš nedaugelio, kuri actually sugeba susipažinti su žmonėm juos tik pamačius ir realiai. (Satta preparty Klaipėdoj kažkada seniai seniai) Ir tu esi labai graži. Negadink savo šypsenytės liūdesiu ir stresu ir niekad neleisk, kad kitų žmonių asmeninės problemos taptų tavo problemom. I feel ya, sis. Take care. xx

  2. Joo, Ugne, esi viskas ką ta Ieva parašė, kad ir kiek daug tavęs nepažįstu. Visada šypsokis ir pirmyn!

  3. Ieva, perskaičiau tavo komentarą penktadienio rytą, atvirai, iškart apsiverkiau. Sunku žodžius rinkti, kai yra tokių žmonių, kuriems rūpi. Išsisaugosiu ir skaitysiu liūdnom dienom <3
    Sigita, visgi įdomu kodėl su nepažįstamais žmonėms dažnai atvirauti būna taip lengva. <3
