Monday, 20 July 2015


it's the end of July and my life is completely different than it used to be. I'm not really OK with it. But I will be, soon.
also, I read a few of the latest posts of mine and ffs I make so many grammar and spelling mistakes.
and I haven't shared my vlog from Field day festival weekend, which is kinda weird.
so yeah, things been hectic.
and  I really want to book a trip somewhere. even if it's in the UK. I WANNA GO PLACES.
but I need to sort some things out.


  1. Aha! Man irgi kazkokia kelioniu ieskojimo manija! Vis labai norisi kur nors islekti. Tai butinai parasyk, kur sugalvosi pabegt :)

    1. noriu į Vokietiją, Amsterdamą, Paryžių, Barceloną. Spėju, pavyks tik koks Londonas :D
